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  • 보건복지부 지정 제2기관 관절전문병원
  • 보건복지부 지정 제2기관 관절전문병원
번호 제목 작성자 등록일 조회수
86 [SCIE] Pooled analysisof unsuccessful percutaneousbiportal endoscopic surgery outcomesfrom a multi-institutional retrospective cohort of 797 cases 힘찬병원 2021-08-03 2,113
85 [SCIE] Endoscopy-Assisted Diagnosis and Revision of a Malpositioned Screw 힘찬병원 2021-08-03 2,206
84 [SCIE] Patellar Impingement on Tibial Polyethylene after Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty without Patellar Resurfacing 힘찬병원 2021-08-03 2,096
83 [SCIE] A Novel Percutaneous Biportal Endoscopic Technique for Symptomatic Spinal Epidural Lipomatosis: Technical Note and Case Presentations 힘찬병원 2021-08-03 2,135
82 [SCIE] Subtotal resection of cervical dumbbell schwannomas 힘찬병원 2018-10-10 4,258
81 [국제] A novel technique of reshaping the post of a constrained liner to avoid post and primary box mismatch in a case of recurrent dislocation after total knee arthroplasty 힘찬병원 2018-07-02 4,154
80 [SCIE] A novel technique for managing symptomatic spinal cysts using epiduroscopic neural laser decompression 힘찬병원 2018-06-05 4,099
79 [SCIE] Clinical comparison of unilateral biportal endoscopic technique versus open microdiscectomy for single-level lumbar discectomy 힘찬병원 2018-06-05 4,182
78 [SCIE] Trans-sacral epiduroscopic laser decompression versus the microscopic open interlaminar approach for L5-S1 disc herniation 힘찬병원 2018-03-02 4,348
77 [SCIE] Natural progress of D-dimer following total joint arthroplasty 힘찬병원 2018-02-19 4,316
76 [국제] Mucoid Degeneration of Posterior Cruciate Ligament Leads to Roof Impingement with Anterior Cruciate Ligament 힘찬병원 2018-02-13 4,332
75 [국내] 전문축구선수에게 협부골절에 의해 연속적으로 발생한 인접부위 척추분리증 힘찬병원 2018-02-02 4,660
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