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  • 보건복지부 지정 제2기관 관절전문병원
  • 보건복지부 지정 제2기관 관절전문병원
  • 보건복지부 지정 제2기관 관절전문병원
번호 제목 작성자 등록일 조회수
134 [SCIE] Changes in muscle mass and bone density and their relationship after total knee arthroplasty 힘찬병원 2024-11-12 307
133 [SCIE] Better accuracy of robotic-assisted total knee arthroplasty compared to conventional technique in patients with failed high tibial osteotomy 힘찬병원 2024-11-12 304
132 [SCIE] Effectiveness of periarticular pin tracker placement through a single main incision in robotic-assisted total knee arthroplasty: Technical note and short-term results 힘찬병원 2024-10-21 419
131 [SCIE] Development of a One-Step Multiplex qPCR Assay for Detection of Methicillin and Vancomycin Drug Resistance Genes in Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria 힘찬병원 2024-10-08 499
130 [SCIE] Surgical technique to complement robotic-assisted total knee arthroplasty in young patients with rigid knee bones 힘찬병원 2024-09-19 408
129 [SCIE] Comparison of pain and complications between outpatients and inpatients treated with bone marrow aspirate concentrate for knee osteoarthritis 힘찬병원 2024-09-19 503
128 [SCIE] Percutaneous Epidural Neuroplasty for Symptomatic Lumbar Juxtafacet Cysts 힘찬병원 2024-08-09 615
127 [SCIE] Diagnostic Performance of a Molecular Assay in Synovial Fluid Targeting Dominant Prosthetic Joint Infection Pathogens 힘찬병원 2024-06-20 582
126 [SCIE] Effectiveness and complications of bone marrow aspirate concentrate in patients with knee osteoarthritis of Kellgren–Lawrence grades II–III 힘찬병원 2024-06-17 631
125 [SCIE] The efficacy and safety of leucine-enriched essential amino acids in knee osteoarthritis patients. A randomized controlled trial 힘찬병원 2024-06-17 567
124 [SCIE] Incidence of Convergence Between Distally and Anteriorly Oriented ALL Femoral Tunnels and ACL Femoral Tunnels in Combined ACL and ALL Reconstruction 힘찬병원 2024-02-20 866
123 [국내] Validation of Synovial Fluid Clinical Samples for Molecular Detection of Pathogens Causing Prosthetic Joint Infection Using GAPDH Housekeeping Gene as Internal Control 힘찬병원 2024-02-20 817
  • 목록

대표전화 1577.9229
