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게시물 작성 테이블

[국제] Submeniscal Portal: an easy access portal for partial meniscectomy of the upper leaf in a horizontal tear of posterior horn tear of the medial meniscu

2018-01-23 hit.4,670


 국제 논문





Submeniscal Portal: an easy access portal for partial meniscectomy of the upper leaf in a horizontal tear of posterior horn tear of the medial meniscus. A Technical note




Ravi Kumar, Su Chan Lee, Alvin Ong, Hye Sun Ahn, Kwang Am Jung


이수찬, 안혜선, 정광암 외

 * 책임저자: 정광암 (강남힘찬병원 정형외과)




- 학회지: Current Orthopaedic Pratice



- 게재: 2018. 01




다음다음글 #[국내] 전문축구선수에게 협부골절에 의해 연속적으로 발생한 인접부위 척추분리증
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대표전화 1577.9229
