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게시물 작성 테이블

[국제학회-MSIS] 베스트 논문상 수상

2010-11-23 hit.5,670


- Jon T Mader Award -


 Best clinical paper (베스트논문상) 수상 




Molecular Markers for Diagnosis of Periprosthetic Joint Infection




Parvizi J, Jacovides C, Adeli B, 정광암




MusculoSkeletal Infection Society (MSIS). 2010


다음다음글 #[SCIE] Radiographic Healing with Hemispherical Allogenic Femoral Head Bone Grafting for Opening Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy
이전이전글 #[국제학회-APOA] 젊은 의학자상 수상
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